Blogger Recognition Award

My amazingly wonderful and supportive friends Joan at My Best Friend Adeline and Fiona at Like as the Waves nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award! Thank you so so much Joan & Fiona (I freaking love you both)! If you haven’t already stumbled across My Best Friend Adeline and Like as the Waves, then please head over as soon as you can – it’ll be good for your soul and heart. Promise.

Okay so the requirements for this award are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you
  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them, and provide the link to the post you’ve created.

The Good The Human

The start of this Blog doesn’t really make for a great story but I shall share it with you anyway. After qualifying as a Counsellor this year, I couldn’t help but notice themes and trends within the counselling room. Not necessarily with the main issue but with what was underneath the surface. There were so many times I thought that if these people were able to be really heard, accepted, not judged then it would be a serious game changer. For so many people. My hope is that my blog will plant a seed for them to start their own journey of self-discovery.

In addition to this, I have also experienced Anxiety and Depression since I was very little. I like to think I’m pretty good at acknowledging my feelings surrounding it and managing it well. Sometimes this isn’t the case. This is probably the first time in my life I feel comfortable to share, in-depth, how my anxiety and depression affects my life. Before now it was internal, I’m working more at sharing that.

I shared these thoughts with a friend who badgered me for quite some time to just start a blog. To get my ideas, thoughts, tips & experience out there! It took some time because the overwhelming fear of being judged was eating away at me. Since I’ve started I’ve learnt A LOT and have had a couple of knock backs. But luckily, I have an amazing support system to fall back into in the form of the Mental Health Blogging community so it’s been manageable.

So here we are, The Good The Human has become my baby. I love it. I hope you do too :)! Give this a read if you’re interested in the reason why I called my Blog The Good The Human.


Be Authentic

It is so easy to see other Bloggers, see their figures, see their engagement, their stats, how many posts they put out, their goals ANYTHING to do with others (especially numbers wise) and assume you have to be just like them in order for your blog to be a success. Not true. When comparison comes to question your self-belief, remind yourself why you started your own blog. What was it you wanted to offer to others? The answer to that question is something only you can provide because you are the only you. Believe in yourself, you have got it. We all do. No one is your competition.


Be organised. This Bogging gig takes up more time that what you’d think. One of my biggest tips would be to keep a notebook on hand all the time to jot down any Blog post ideas that come to you (that will also help you stay authentic). Plan your posts and plan your time. Doing so will also help avoid burn out. Within my notebook I also track which main hashtags run throughout the week on Twitter and I list my FollowFriday lists. It just helps to stay on top of things and it means I’m able to really get involved! I prefer pen and paper but use whatever works for you.

I’d like to nominate the following, sorry if you’ve already done it! If you have link me  up so I can read it :).
















Thanks again Joan & Fiona. Please check out all the Bloggers I’ve tagged! They all offer such wonderful reads :).


6 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Ella: Craft Up Your Life says:

    Really loved reading this post and your advice is really inspiring. I took a long break from blogging and now I’m back I kind of feel like a newbie again, so it was great to have some helpful reminders. Congrats on the nomination!

    Liked by 1 person

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